Your Testimonials
I thought I would start this blog to discuss your successes – and failures – using The GARD as part of your recovery process from whatever your malady may have been. Although seizure control has been my special interest, the development of GARD began with the control of my own symptoms related to gluten intolerance, namely chronic fatigue, heartburn, IBS, allergies, headaches, insomnia, joint pain, fibromyalgia, and simply suffering from “ain’t doin’ right syndrome”.
As I discovered in my case, most people find that the diet works well…and quickly…to improve their medical issues. It is truly a universal diet because there is nothing from which we suffer that cannot be directly tied to the “big 4” foods – gluten grains (wheat, barley, rye), dairy products, soy/legumes and corn – and the harm they do to the intestinal lining (“leaky gut syndrome”) and every tissue in the body once their lectins (tiny glycoproteins) enter the bloodstream.
I focus on neurological problems because the brain has been shown to be the most afflicted organ of the body other than the lining of the intestinal tract (villi) when it comes to the harm done by gluten, et al. Epilepsy is simply one of the best examples of a serious neurological problem that can turn around quickly with the proper elimination diet but the use of The GARD is certainly not restricted to seizures. All neurological conditions can benefit from the elimination of these neurotoxic proteins and the other harmful things that they contain (e.g. glutamic acid, estrogens).
The less serious symptoms of heart burn, IBS, allergies, fatigue, lowered pain threshold, insomnia and the like often resolve very quickly once The GARD is instituted. As I like to explain, these signs disappear quickly to tell us that the more serious ones can also go away. It’s just that in the case of advanced neurological disorders (e.g. MS), the afflicted individual have to be much more vigilant and continue to do the right thing for a long enough time. The brain and spinal cord heal much more slowly than other tissues. Minor mistakes can lead to major setbacks.
So…please post your successes and your failures. We are always encouraged by reading about the achievements of others, but I also want to help you with your struggles. There are often very good explanations for an incomplete response to these dietary changes.
Dogtor J
Just Desserts
These are little tidbits of knowledge I’ve discovered or insights I’ve gained over the years while doing my in-depth studies.For example, did you know researchers have found that nearly 40% of the genetic information in our DNA is viral information? This explains what we call “genetic diseases” including familial and breed tendencies toward food intolerance (e.g. celiac disease), neurological disorders (e.g. epilepsy), and numerous cancers.
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Blogtor J
Welcome to the blog of the new New research into the origin of our medical woes has revealed something startling: As it turns out, we are our own worst enemy. Yes, the Pogo quote of yesteryear found in the title of this article is quite accurate when applied to our medical lives. We love to discuss those things that we call “causes” of diseases even though we often have little clue as to how these things really cause illness. Even medical professionals can have difficulty grasping the true cause-and-effect. But that is understandable once some insight is gained into the true nature of medical training.
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News Flash!
In this section, I will be placing links to the latest breaking news in the food world, including updates on the use of elimination diets to control disease, articles on pet food, the truth about GMO foods and more. I will do my best to balance the bad with the good, but try to remember: Much of this will seem like bad news but at least we know about it now…and can change it!
With some of these stories, I will include a link to a blog entry so that you can comment on the article. This idea came to me after reading the first entry, which is a news flash that made my blood boil.
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