More New Articles
Phone Consultations and Teleseminars -(New 4-2008) Due to an overwhelming number of Emails, I am now offering phone consultations and will be conducting teleseminars in the near future. Please be watching this section of the Website for details concerning the latter, including times and fees.
Swine Flu Pandemic- A Typical Violation of Mosaic Law – (4-30-09)Yes, here we are faced with another global threat of influenza. But it is not just another flu but rather the perfect example of reaping what we sow. If we had listened to Moses, we would not be in this mess.
The Origin of Disease in Man and Animals- The Primer – The following is an Email I sent to someone who wrote to me asking me for some advice about their career choice and curriculum. They were interested in choosing courses that would help complete their understanding of epilepsy and chronic illness. This gave me an opportunity to start this section with a primer on the subject of why we become ill, which is critical to our understanding of how to best deal with what we call “disease”.
L-form Bacteria and Mollicutes – The Good, the “Bad” and the Ugly – I know, many who read this title are going “What in the world? This is going to be waaay too technical for me and I don’t really need to understand something so involved.” Well, that may be true for those who get the old deer-in-the-headlights look when they hear or read something medical, like I do when I talk with an attorney or insurance salesman. But if you liked the part about viruses, then you’re really going to like this part, too. These are all part of the grand orchestra that is our- and our pet’s- body.
Hot Flashes- A Sign of the Times – This is a little Email paper I wrote in response to repeated questions about the role of hot flashes in menopause. Like everything our body does, hot flashes serve an important purpose.
Recommended Products – This page will contain nutrition-related products that I recommend for pets and their people*. These items will be restricted to those that I have used personally or in my own veterinary practice. I may also include a few products about which I have received outstanding testimonials from Internet clients but I will label them as such. (* As a veterinarian, I cannot formally recommend or prescribe products for humans but I can tell you about those that I have successfully employed in my own recovery.)
Autism – This is the newest section of and was created in late September of 2007. I have had a few small areas on the site dealing with this complex and all-too-common condition but have decided it was high time I dedicated an entire section to it. As time allows, I will be trying to create an area complete with current research, dietary recommendations and testimonials. In the meantime, I will start with collecting the things I have in other areas of as well as a few recent articles and forum posts that I have done.
Casomorphins and Gliadomorphins- The Food Opioids – The following is an Email that I sent to the Friends of DogtorJ concerning these critically important derivatives from dairy and wheat. You will be shocked to see the role they play in our every day lives. And yet, most have never heard the terms.
The Truth About the Ingredients in Pet Food – This article is something I just put together after a week of discussing this subject matter with clients. Their reactions compelled me to put it all in writing. I hope this helps and motivates change. Please feel free to forward this to anyone who has pets. It can be the difference between a pet living to be 5 or 25.
A Graves* Situation – This is an Email that I sent to the Friends of DogtorJ on 8-16-07 after reading an article on Yahoo Health concerning common household chemicals and their possible role in the development of hyperthyroidism (*Graves Disease) in the cat. My response covers many of the areas of medicine that I have been studying over the past 7 years that are related to immune-mediated diseases and cancer. The news article served as a great spring-board into these topics.
“We Have Met the Enemy…and He Is US.” – This is the first blog placed on on 6-24-07 and covers the gamut of topics that are discussed on this Website. The bottom line? We DO have our health destinies in our own hands.
Twinkies- The “Magikal” Snack – This is an Email that I sent to the Friends of Dogtorj on 6-26-07 when the absurdity of taking symptomatic medications came up in an Internet discussion (e.g. taking fever reducers for viral infections). All you need to know is that the Greek root of the the word “pharmacy” is pharmakeia, which means….magic. Uh oh.
Fatty Liver Syndrome- Killing Two Birds with One Grain – This is an Email that I sent to the Friends of DogtorJ after I read a Yahoo health alert that “discussed” fatty liver syndrome. Actually the article left more questions unanswered than it answered, sooo…. This Email was also later edited by Ron Hoggan, a champion in celiac circles, and published in the newsletter of, an awesome Website for anyone afflicted with or exploring the possibilities of gluten intolerance.
Food Intolerance, Epilepsy, and “The G.A.R.D.” – This is the transcript for my lecture at the 2007 NAVC (North American Veterinary Conference) in Orlando. It was the second hour that followed a talk on food intolerance in general. This speech on epilepsy briefly covers most aspects of the “syndrome” we call epilepsy and introduces the role of viruses in the development and perpetuation of idiopathic epilepsy.
Obesity – Obesity is a complex condition but one that can be understood once we see a few very important scientific facts and dispel some very common myths. I will try to cover both in this section, including the role of viruses in obesity and the misconception that Dr. Atkins disproved (again): That eating fat causes us to become fat.