More Intolerance Articles…
Casomorphins and Gliadomorphins – The Food Opioids – The following is an Email that I sent to the Friends of DogtorJ concerning these critically important derivatives from dairy and wheat. You will be shocked to see the role they play in our every day lives. And yet, most have never heard the terms.
The Truth About the Ingredients in Pet Food – The article below is something I just put together after a week of discussing this subject matter with clients. Their reactions compelled me to put it all in writing. I hope this helps and motivates change. Please feel free to forward this page to anyone who has pets. It can be the difference between a pet living to be 5 or 25 years old. Cats have been known to live to be 40 years and dogs 30 and yet the average age in this country is 13 and 12 respectively. What could be the single most important factor here? If you said “diet”, I think you’re right.
Is the Pet Food Industry in the Business of Population Control? – This paper asks this and many other related questions and hopefully equips and motivates the reader to obtain the answers.
Food Intolerance, Epilepsy, and “The G.A.R.D.” – This is the transcript for my lecture at the 2007 NAVC (North American Veterinary Conference) in Orlando. It was the second hour that followed a talk on food intolerance in general. This speech on epilepsy briefly covers most aspects of the “syndrome” we call epilepsy and introduces the role of viruses in the development and perpetuation of idiopathic epilepsy.
Hip Dysplasia – Diet vs. “Genetics” – I have had plans to write a major paper on this frequently misunderstood topic for quite sometime. Unfortunately, the need to write about an ever-increasing number of life-threatening health issues prevented this from happening before now. But as misconceptions go, this is a high-priority item.Hip dysplasia is not a genetic malformation of the hip socket. It is a collagen disorder!
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome – Is it a Key to Our Understanding of Collagen Disorders? – This is a letter I wrote to colleagues and friends on 5-6-06 after doing a little reading about this sad but fascinating condition. I have been wanting to write something on this topic for months, relating skeletal abnormalities to food intolerance in a more specific way. I hope you get something vital from it.
Idiopathic Cystitis – The Food Connection – I have been meaning to write something up about this all-too-common medical problem for quite some time now. This is a potentially serious condition in the cat and very aggravating and frustrating one in people, especially the chronic interstitial cystitis seen in the human. Sadly, most sufferers are not being told the true nature of “idiopathic cystitis”, which fall right in line with everything else on this site. Hopefully, the following Email to a frustrated cat owner will help.
“Corn – The Toxic Grain” – This will be the title of my upcoming paper on the dangers of corn and its by-products. Thank Goodness we have now decided to make fuel from it. Burning it all up is a great idea. The paper will explain. In the meantime, please read the prelude to this paper taken from the FAQs and Links page (FAQ #13). You maybe surprised.
A Grave’s* Situation – This is an Email that I sent to the Friends of DogtorJ on 8-16-07 after reading an article on Yahoo Health concerning common household chemicals and their possible role in the development of hyperthyroidism (*Graves Disease) in the cat. My response covers many of the areas of medicine that I have been studying over the past 7 years that are related to immune-mediated diseases and cancer. The news article served as a great spring-board into those topics.
The Origin of MS/Degenerative Myelopathy – Here is something I wrote in response to an Email I received. I thought you might be interested in this. I sent it to a number of colleagues who also have “inquiring minds”. Let me know what you think.
Fatty Liver Syndrome – Killing Two Birds with One Grain – This is an Email that I sent to the Friends of DogtorJ after I read a Yahoo health alert that “discussed” fatty liver syndrome. Actually the article left more questions unanswered than it answered, sooo…. This Email was also later edited by Ron Hoggan, a champion in celiac circles, and published in the newsletter of, an awesome Website for anyone afflicted with or exploring the possibilities of gluten intolerance.
Grape Poisoning – “What in the World???” – This little article was written in response to inquiries concerning this weird syndrome in the dog. Yes, there have been actual (rare) deaths resulting from dogs ingesting grapes and raisins. Tests for all toxins and infectious agents came up negative. What did they miss? Hmmm…
Estrogens in Food – There are estrogens in foods which should be considered in formulating the ultimate diet, especially for women and those suffering from epilepsy, pain, and other excitotoxin-related disorders. We know that estrogens are naturally inflammatory and immunosuppressive and sensitive neurons to the action of glutamate (e.g. catamenial seizures, PMS). I will be expanding this section as time allows. Please also see the Appetizers section for more on this and other issues in women’s health.
The Glaring Example – This is a post that I found on a casein intolerance Website years ago. It shows the extreme effect that miniscule amounts of the proteins of the “big 4” can have on the central nervous system in sensitized individuals. I tell people to simply think “peanut allergy” to get a handle on how little it can take to cause major problems. Strictness in following the diet is the key to success.
More to come…
Dogtor J