Coming Soon… Your YouTube Video Testimonials. This section will contain videos that readers have submitted to share their personal experience with The GARD or similar elimination diets. I hope to collect a number of these videos covering a wide variety of medical conditions. The focus will be on epilepsy but I will be sharing testimonials from any individuals who used dietary changes to recover from their medical condition.
So…if you or your pet are not camera shy and would like to share your story of discovery and recovery with others, please send me the link to your video and I will place it here. This could be a powerful way to help others find their way to improved health.
Dogtor J
YouTube Video Testimonials
1) This video is from a client whose son suffers from Batten Disease, a rare and usually fatal neurodegenerative condition that usually begins in early childhood. This tragic condition is caused by the accumulation of lipopigments (fats and proteins) in the neuronal cells of various body tissue, including the brain, skin, liver, spleen and kidneys. Early symptoms include vision deficits and seizures, usually developing around 4-10 years of age. Other signs are behavior changes, slow learning, clumsiness, and repetitive speech. There can also be poor circulation (legs and feet), curvature of the spine, breath-holding, difficulty swallowing and constipation, eventually giving way to blindness and dementia necessitating their being bed-ridden. The life expectancy varies but Batten is a life-limiting disease.
But…can it be prevented, halted or reversed? Many have heard about the miraculous recoveries being enjoyed by autistic children, epileptics and even those with MS. I have been witness to all of these as people have employed The GARD to their children, themselves and their pets.
The following is a case in which the parents employed a gluten-free, casein-free diet in the treatment of their child with Batten Disease. If the elimination of these foods from the diet of the child with advanced neurological disease can produce the kind of results you will see in this video, what would the restriction of these foods from the diet of the infant do? How about the prenatal effects of gluten, casein, soy and corn on the developing fetus? Could Batten Disease be prevented? We can’t know soon enough!
Here is the link to this inspiring YouTube video.
Just Desserts
These are little tidbits of knowledge I’ve discovered or insights I’ve gained over the years while doing my in-depth studies.For example, did you know researchers have found that nearly 40% of the genetic information in our DNA is viral information? This explains what we call “genetic diseases” including familial and breed tendencies toward food intolerance (e.g. celiac disease), neurological disorders (e.g. epilepsy), and numerous cancers.
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Blogtor J
Welcome to the blog of the new New research into the origin of our medical woes has revealed something startling: As it turns out, we are our own worst enemy. Yes, the Pogo quote of yesteryear found in the title of this article is quite accurate when applied to our medical lives. We love to discuss those things that we call “causes” of diseases even though we often have little clue as to how these things really cause illness. Even medical professionals can have difficulty grasping the true cause-and-effect. But that is understandable once some insight is gained into the true nature of medical training.
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News Flash!
In this section, I will be placing links to the latest breaking news in the food world, including updates on the use of elimination diets to control disease, articles on pet food, the truth about GMO foods and more. I will do my best to balance the bad with the good, but try to remember: Much of this will seem like bad news but at least we know about it now…and can change it!
With some of these stories, I will include a link to a blog entry so that you can comment on the article. This idea came to me after reading the first entry, which is a news flash that made my blood boil.
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I would like to hear from you!
Shoot me an Email by clicking on the icon at the top of each page. Video testimonials are also welcome.
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