Welcome to DogtorJ.com

Welcome to the new Dogtorj.com. The original site was established on August 14, 2001 to help me share my personal story, extensive medical research, and applied knowledge with clients, friends, and family. The venture has grown into a full-time project as the number of readers- and testimonials- has skyrocketed over the years. Every visitor knows a pet or their owner who needs the information on this site. It is free for the taking and it does change lives.
It all began with my personal diagnosis of celiac disease (gluten intolerance) and the miraculous recovery that followed the elimination of gluten (wheat, barley, and rye) from my diet. However, I quickly found that dairy, soy and corn were also causing major problems in my health as well as that of millions of suffering people and their pets. I quickly labeled them as “the big 4” and began writing extensively on their wide-spread effects. I would later call them “the four horsemen of our medical apocalypse” once the breadth and depth of their harm was fully realized.
From over ten years of medical and nutritional research came The G.A.R.D. – an elimination diet for the treatment of most conditions afflicting man and his four-legged companions. The original meaning of the acronym was the glutamate & aspartate restricted diet, being derived from the fact that The G.A.R.D. placed a premium on the elimination of two non-essential amino acids, glutamic and aspartic acid, the parent proteins in MSG and aspartame (NutraSweet), respectively. These two neurostimulating amino acids play a major role in epilepsy, migraines, insomnia, ADHD, autism, fibromyalgia and numerous other neurodegenerative diseases. It was not hard to see that the food sources of these amino acids- grains, dairy, soy/legumes, and nuts/seeds- were also playing a major role in the manifestation of these common medical conditions.
The worst offenders- gluten (from wheat, barley, rye), casein (from dairy), and soy- were also the leading causes of damage to the intestinal lining (villous atrophy) in sensitized individuals, which is the diagnostic lesion of celiac disease. What I came to see was “the big 4” were the only foods that caused our intestinal villi to shrink away, often leading to severe nutrient malabsorption. No wonder many suffer from major deficiencies in calcium, iron, iodine, B complex, C, and trace minerals (e.g. zinc, selenium, magnesium). The banishment of these “four horsemen” led to a steady stream of incredible testimonials, as the intestinal tract of these afflicted individuals healed and their myriad of symptoms resolved. The second meaning of The G.A.R.D. was born- the gut absorption recovery diet.
If this is your first trip to Dogtorj.com, it won’t take long for you to see that it is a bit different from most medical sites. I have attempted to tackle the whole of health care and the multitude of diseases that pets share with their owners. Once the reader spends a little time reading the pages and essays placed here, I think it will become clear why an undertaking of such epic proportion was a very natural and rewarding thing to attempt.
My style of writing is meant to be conversational for the most part. Although I can now discuss these medical matters on many levels, this site is designed for the concerned individual who is looking for real, understandable answers to their medical questions. I have always enjoyed explaining medicine and the intricate workings of our body to those are interested…and even those who aren’t. It’s important because we do have our health destiny in our own two hands and, the more we know, the healthier we will become. It is that simple.
So, are you ready to say goodbye to many of your chronic medical problems? What we call “diseases” are often little more than long-term symptoms that persist because we never addressed the root of the problem (e.g. inflammatory bowel disease). This site is all about getting back to our roots.
Here is the really good news: You don’t have to buy a thing…except different groceries. Anyone can eat like I have for the past ten years. There is nothing remotely dangerous or even controversial about eliminating the top 4 human, dog and cat food allergens. Plus, there are absolutely no essential nutrients in the four trouble foods that we cannot derive from multiple other non-offending, hypoallergenic sources. Who can argue with a diet composed of vegetables, fruits, berries, eggs, lean meats, brown rice, tree nuts, and a little dark chocolate?
Miracles have happened doing just that. Are you ready for yours? Let’s get started!
Dogtor J
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