Lectins : The Missing Link
I will be discussing the vital and fascinating topic of lectins, the term used to describe antibody-sized proteins (glycoproteins- part carbohydrate, part protein), the most pertinent of which are those derived from foods. And which foods do you think provide the most damaging “lectins”? Yep…the “big 4” again- gluten grains (wheat, barley, rye), dairy products (casein), soy (errrh), and corn. Surprise, surprise!
This section will be under construction for a while and I will try to get to tend to it as soon as I can. This is a crucial concept for everyone to understand. In my early writing (e.g The Answer), I referred to lectins as “dietary glycoproteins”, having not yet come across the term “lectins”. But a few years ago, I discovered a very important Webpage that catapulted me into a whole new world of discovery. It was http://www.krispin.com/lectin.html, a great synopsis of the concept of lectins and the role these dietary glycoproteins were playing in the demise of our health. It was life-changing information that clarified much.
Further support came in reading the work of Dr. D’Adamo and his Eating for Your Blood Type. ( http://www.dadamo.com/ ) This information dovetailed perfectly with what I had suspecting and confirming over the previous years of research.
So, I will be writing a paper on what I have learned about lectins as soon as possible. In the meantime, I would strongly recommend that the reader do a search for “lectins” and start reading on their own. You will be amazed at what researchers know about how and why these food-derived glycoproteins drive our tissues and immune systems crazy. You will also see how our own body produces lectins to control cell function. Then you will see how the “confusion” and dysfunction arise. Again, a good starting point in the link above, http://www.krispin.com/lectin.html.
One of the most fascinating aspects of this topic is the interrelationship between lectins and viruses. I go into this in my newest section, Viruses- Friend or Foe? This really starts to put things together, especially once the reader grasps the fact that we are loaded with viruses, some of which are embedded in our very DNA. Those who have spent much time on this site already have a good grasp of this extremely important fact.
Once again, we see that our health destiny is firmly in our own hands. It is our own actions that determine the state of our health. We have the potential to live to be 120 years old (Genesis 6:3) or become ill and die at a very early age. We have placed our destiny in the hands of others and “genetics” for far too long. By understanding the role of food intolerance, lectins, viruses, and environmental factors, we can put the focus back where it belongs…us… and our choices.
I hope this helps,
In this section:
Viruses and Lectins- The Missing Links – (Link only)This paper is the manuscript for my upcoming lecture at a major veterinary conference. It covers my latest passion- studying the potential interrelationships between the lectins of the “big 4” (gluten, casein, soy and corn) and the latent viruses that are residing in our cells, some even being embedded in our very DNA. These interactions help to explain “autoimmune” diseases and shed light on the development of that dreaded diagnosis of cancer.
Immune-mediated Diseases in a Nutshell – This is a post that made on one of favorite Internet forums. It was placed on a thread that I started about the observation I had made concerning the left side being more commonly afflicted first with immune-mediated diseases than the right. I hope you find it interesting.
A Letter to a Colleague- Re: Thyroid Disease – The following article is an Email to a colleague who wrote on the behalf of a veterinarian pursuing a doctorate in immunology asking about the relationship between inflammatory bowel disease and hypothyroidism.
Fatty Liver Syndrome- Killing Two Birds with One Grain – This is an Email that I sent to the Friends of DogtorJ after I read a Yahoo health alert that “discussed” fatty liver syndrome. Actually the article left more questions unanswered than it answered, sooo…. This Email was also later edited by Ron Hoggan, a champion in celiac circles, and published in the newsletter of www.celiac.com, an awesome Website for anyone afflicted with or exploring the possibilities of gluten intolerance.
Important Links (below) – Here are a few links to lectin-related sites that will hopefully get you started in your understanding of this vital and fascinating topic.
Important links:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lectins- Wikipedia definition
http://ezinearticles.com/?Food-Lectins-in-Health-and-Disease:-An-Introduction&id=275056 – Put “lectins” in their search at the top of the page.
I would suggest that the reader do some Internet searches for things like “lectins, viruses”, “lectins, disease”, “lectins, GMO”, and other creative searches. You will see that these vital but relatively undiscussed elements are involved in many, many things both good and bad. They are a huge piece of the medical puzzle, as are viruses.
Dogtor J