Viruses – Friend or Foe?
In this section…
Get Ready!!! This is the newest and most exciting section of the site… at least to me. I have been blown away by what I have learned in the past year concerning the virus. I think you will be, too.
Most of us have long-believed that the virus is purely a pathogen…a disease entity…that does nothing more than cause illness, ranging from the nuisance cold to a life-threatening illness. But how many of you knew that this guy is vitally involved in cancer? Some of you. Good! How many believe that he is the only TRUE cause of cancer? Anyone? Hmmm… And how many knew that the virus does GOOD on this planet? Anyone? Yes, there are many that know this but the average reader has never talked to one of these scientists.
I am about to walk you through a process that will (hopefully) turn your head around in your understanding of this interesting and VITAL component of life on this planet. Are you ready? Let’s get started. I can’t wait.
I created this section on 2-2-06. I will be updating it regularly. Because I am in a bit of a hurry to get this section started, I am going to start by simply posting some letters that I have written to friends and colleagues discussing this situation. I will be writing a formal paper with the above title (Viruses- Friends or Foe?) as soon as I can so be watching for that. In the meantime, I hope that you are able to glean something important from these letters.
As always, I hope this helps,
Dogtor J
DogtorJ. ©2006
Viruses- Friend or Foe?
Viruses and Lectins-The Missing Links – This paper is the manuscript for my upcoming lecture at a major veterinary conference. It covers my latest passion- studying the potential interrelationships between the lectins of the “big 4” (gluten, casein, soy and corn) and the latent viruses that are residing in our cells, some even being embedded in our very DNA. These interactions help to explain “autoimmune” diseases and shed light on the development of that dreaded diagnosis of cancer.
An “Epilephany”- Viruses, Serotonin, and Light Boxes to Help Treat Epilepsy – This is a letter that I wrote to my friend and colleague Dr. Jean Dodds today (1-12-06). It started out…innocently enough…as a question that I was posing to her brilliant mind asking whether she thought that light therapy could help epileptics as it does people with seasonal affected disorder (SAD). Once we understand the vital serotonin connection, which this letter goes into more deeply, then we can see how light therapy…the right kind of light therapy… may benefit those with epilepsy by boosting their serotonin levels. BUT, as I am prone to do, I got a little off topic and unloaded some other loaded questions and thoughts on her. It turned out to be a pretty good summary of everything I know and believe about how diseases…yes all diseases…occur. Hope you get something good from it.
A Little Virology For You – The last post in the series titled Viruses as the “Cause”of Celiac Disease is a brief review of virology. Hopefully it will underscore the importance of seeing the virus as something other than a pure pathogen or parasite. He is much more…so much more.
Viruses as THE “Cause” of Celiac Disease – This section is one of the posts found on a thread I started on the Celiac/Gluten Sensitivity section of BrainTalk Communities out of Mass General. The thread proposes the idea that a virus could be the true underlying cause of celiac disease and the related food intolerances and that the damage done to the villi of the duodenum is more of a reaction of the virus in situ to the stimulating effects of the lectins from gluten, casein, soy, and corn as they attach to the glycoprotein receptors of the cells lining the intestinal tract. Here is the link to the site if you want to read the entire thread- The entire thread covers a lot of ground.
We Have Met the Enemy…and He is Us – This is a piece that I wrote as the first blog on my newly created BlogtorJ. It covers the gamut on the development of disease with a focus on that so horribly misunderstood guy…the virus. They are not the culprit. We are.
More articles about Viruses…