The Origin of Disease
In this section:
This section will house my upcoming paper, which will be the updated version of The Answer. I wrote The Answer in the early months of 2001 and hurriedly placed it on the site on 9-11. It was a compilation of what I had learned in my first year of rather intensive Internet medical research following my personal diagnosis of celiac disease (gluten intolerance). Suddenly, medicine made sense for the first time in my 20 year veterinary career and the passion to share this information became a tremendous driving force in my life. The cool thing is that the first year of study formed an amazing framework into which the following six year’s findings would fall neatly into their place. In fact, I have not had to correct any of the original information only add to it for completeness.
The Origin of Disease will use the basic outline of The Answer while bringing in the latest findings that help clarify the original information and answer those questions that beg for more details. “Exactly how do the proteins from dairy, wheat, soy and corn cause disease?” “Why do gluten-free/casein-free diets help sooo many conditions?” “Why do viruses cause cancer?” “Will there ever be a pharmacological cure for cancer?” These are all great questions with good answers.
The answers to these and many other important questions are already written on this Website. Many have written to me and “complained” that these answers are buried deep in long-winded treatises, inaccessible to the average reader. My response has been something like “No pain, no gain.”, meaning that if you really want to know the answers then it is worth seeking out. But, I do understand that time is of the essence and that some people just don’t like reading on the Internet as much as they do reading books (this the request for a book).
So, I will try to be as concise as possible in this newest work. In fact, it may be much simpler than those of you who have read my work may imagine. In fact, the answer to where disease came from could easily be summarized in one word….us. But, the paper will be longer than one word. :):):)
The keys are the diet (the “big 4″…gluten, casein, soy, corn), lectins, the environment (e.g. air quality, fluoride), our lifestyle (e.g. sleep), viruses, and genetics.
But the final piece to this fascinating puzzle was the understanding of why and how viruses become involved in the development of what we call “disease”. The word is “adaptation”. The viruses do not want to make us sick. They are simply being forced into it by our choices to threaten them with offending substances and circumstances. Once we grasp this, then we can all see the origin of disease and begin our journey toward the medical utopia in which we all want to believe.
Will we ever reach a health nirvana? Not if we remain on our current path of self-destructive behavior and medical ignorance. But if we have eyes to see and ears to hear, we can…and will…make great strides in that direction. It is God’s will that we be healthy just as it is His will that all would believe in Him and His Son and live for eternity. Let us not let the harsh reality that not all will believe deter us from striving for perfect health.
The Origin of Disease
The Origin of Disease in Man and Animals- The Primer – This is an Email I sent to someone who wrote to me asking me for some advice about their career choice and curriculum. They were interested in choosing courses that would help complete their understanding of epilepsy and chronic illness. This gave me an opportunity to start this section with a primer on the subject of why we become ill, which is critical to our understanding of how to best deal with what we call “disease”.
Viruses and Lectins-The Missing Links – This paper is the manuscript for my upcoming lecture at a major veterinary conference. It covers my latest passion- studying the potential interrelationships between the lectins of the “big 4” (gluten, casein, soy and corn) and the latent viruses that are residing in our cells, some even being embedded in our very DNA. These interactions help to explain “autoimmune” diseases and shed light on the development of that dreaded diagnosis of cancer.
L-form Bacteria and Mollicutes – The Good, the “Bad” and the Ugly – I know that many who read this title are going “What in the world? This is going to be waaay too technical for me and I don’t really need to understand something so involved.” Well, that may be true for those who get the old deer-in-the-headlights look when they hear or read something medical, like I do when I talk with an attorney or insurance salesman. But if you liked the part about viruses, then you’re really going to like this part, too. These are all part of the grand orchestra that is our- and our pet’s- body.
Viruses Are Not Alone-The Latest Cancer Research – This area is going to be a work in progress. The reader will see why when they get there. I have stated for the last 10 years that researchers have known for years that viruses cause cancer. Many have stated that viruses are the only cause of cancer, with “carcinogens” triggering viruses into causing cancer. Now we know that viruses are not the only microorganisms involved in the process. But do intracellular bacteria cause cancer by themselves or do they serve another purpose in this process? The section starts with a letter to my colleagues discussing this fascinating and paradigm-shifting information.
Is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome the Key to Our Understanding of Collagen Disorders? – This is a letter I wrote to colleagues and friends on 5-6-06 after doing a little reading about this serious but fascinating condition. I have been wanting to write something on this topic for months, relating skeletal abnormalities to food intolerance in a more specific way. I hope you get something vital from it.
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