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Please Note: If you are a member of the media and would like to interview Dogtor J (John B. Symes, D.V.M.), please visit the Contact section or Email me directly at . I am available for radio, TV appearances, speaking engagements and interviews for printed articles. Articles found on this Website are also available for reprint with the written permission of Dogtor J.



Here are the main conferences at which I have given formal lectures. The majority have been annual veterinary conferences, both for conventional and holistic audiences, but one was an interesting group known as the A4M- the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. This association, of which Dr. Joe Mercola is a member, focuses on the many ways in which we can extend and improve the quality of human life. Getting involved with them was a very natural thing for me to do. Some of the transcripts for these talks can be found right here on


The 2005 Annual AHVMA Conference – September 13-19, 2005 Ogden, Utah

The 14th Annual International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine – July, 2006 Chicago, Illinois

The 2007 North American Veterinary Conference – January, 2007 Orlando, Florida

The 2008 North American Veterinary Conference – January 19-23, 2008 Orlando, Florida

The 2008 Annual AHVMA Conference – October 11-14, 2008 Reno, Nevada

The 2013 North American Veterinary Conference – January 19-23, 2013 Orlando Florida



TV and Radio Appearances:

I recently attended the National Publicity Summit in New York City where I was able to meet with over 100 members of the media, including executives from TV, radio, magazines, and Internet radio. This was in preparation for a national media campaign that I am about to launch in order to get this vital information directly into the hands of the public.  This developing area of will list my appearances as they are scheduled.

Saturday, March 29th, 2008 @2:00 PM – Pet Talk Radio– Click here to listen to host Harrison Forbes interview DogtorJ from NYC during the National Publicity Summit. Find out where all of the Irish setters went!

Thursday, April 17th, 2008 @ 11:00 AM FamilyNet TV– DogtorJ will be the guest of Marcus and Lisa Ryan on their popular morning program Every Day with Marcus and Lisa. He will be discussing celiac disease (gluten intolerance) and other food intolerances in the pet…and in popular TV anchors.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013 @4:00 PM CST – The Michael Dresser Show

Thursday, April 11, 2013 @1:15PM CST – Boomer Radio, KWSM Missouri; Host: Dan Kesterman

Saturday, April 13, 2013 @2:15 CST – Doctor Health Radio, KHNR Hawaii,



Previous ATN Shows- Wingin’ It (Show #33)– The Final Frontier (Show #37)– Hook and GARD (Show #43)– Semper Fidelis (Show #47)– How We Won the Battle of Helm’s Deep (Show #52) Genetics Schmenetics (Show #58) The Gauntlets (Show #64) The Gauntlets Part 2- The “Tonin” Twins (Show #68) The Wild Card- Our Toxic Terrain (Show #75) The Missing Link- Lectins (Show #80) Total Recall  (Show #87) The Leviticus Diet- Into The Promised Land. (Show # 94) Pharmakeia- Now You Feel It, Now You Don’t  (Show# 104)



Here are a few of the forums on which I spend time reading and contributing. These can be a wealth of information and encouragement, as people share their personal findings and success stories. You can usually do a search for “dogtorj” to find my posts. The Labrador Retriever Chat Board. I have an ongoing thread here serving as a storehouse for testimonials regarding the successful use of The G.A.R.D.. Communities. I usually write on the Celiac and Epilepsy sections. best resource for those with gluten intolerance. with Dog Forum Chazhound Dog Forum –  BrainTalk Communities– Unfortunately, I was banned from this forum in Feb. 2007 after posting a thread asking for the forum’s help in aiding a newly diagnosed food intolerant woman in Iraq. The moderator (incorrectly) viewed my post as “Solicitation” and banned me from further contribution. This ban has never been lifted. It was one of the most frustrating experiences I have had in all of my years doing this, but what can you do? I miss the interaction with my friends on the epilepsy, MS, and many forums on which I wrote.

Just Desserts

These are little tidbits of knowledge I’ve discovered or insights I’ve gained over the years while doing my in-depth studies.For example, did you know researchers have found that nearly 40% of the genetic information in our DNA is viral information? This explains what we call “genetic diseases” including familial and breed tendencies toward food intolerance (e.g. celiac disease), neurological disorders (e.g. epilepsy), and numerous cancers.

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Blogtor J

Welcome to the blog of the new New research into the origin of our medical woes has revealed something startling: As it turns out, we are our own worst enemy. Yes, the Pogo quote of yesteryear found in the title of this article is quite accurate when applied to our medical lives. We love to discuss those things that we call “causes” of diseases even though we often have little clue as to how these things really cause illness. Even medical professionals can have difficulty grasping the true cause-and-effect. But that is understandable once some insight is gained into the true nature of medical training.

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News Flash!

In this section, I will be placing links to the latest breaking news in the food world, including updates on the use of elimination diets to control disease, articles on pet food, the truth about GMO foods and more. I will do my best to balance the bad with the good, but try to remember: Much of this will seem like bad news but at least we know about it now…and can change it!


With some of these stories, I will include a link to a blog entry so that you can comment on the article. This idea came to me after reading the first entry, which is a news flash that made my blood boil.

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Need more information?

I would like to hear from you!

Shoot me an Email by clicking on the icon at the top of each page. Video testimonials are also welcome.

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Today’s Specials
The Simple Truth about Dog Food and Heart Disease The Epilepsy Diet Made Simple The Origin of Disease Lectins – The Missing Links Viruses – Friend or Foe? Pain, Pain Go Away
Need a Consultation?

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Something to Chew On

What is the “Leaky Gut”?
The “leaky gut syndrome” is the root of many medical evils once the “big 4” induce it. Read how Italians have survived being a pasta-based society.

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Hip Dysplasia – “Genetics” vs. Diet

As misconceptions go, this is a high-priority item. Hip dysplasia is not what we were taught.

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Epilepsy and Diet

I have been studying “idiopathic epilepsy” extensively since April of 2000. Guess what? It’s not idiopathic anymore. A diet change can cure it!

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The Truth About Pet Food

Dogs and cats are carnivores yet most pet foods are grain-based. Knowing how to read a label is also very important. Does your pet food really have vegetables in it? Really???

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How to Control Epilepsy Naturally

I have been successfully treating pets with epilepsy using diet changes alone for nearly 10 years. The results have been astounding. This paper helps to summarize my findings and recommendations.

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We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us

This is the first blog placed on (6-24-07) and pretty much covers the gamut of topics – from heartburn to cancer – that are discussed on this Website. The bottom line? Viruses and bacteria are not the enemy. We are! The good news: We do have our health destinies in our own hands.

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Gluten Intolerance and Your Pet

This paper is an article I wrote for the newsletter of when asked about the prevalence of celiac disease (gluten intolerance) in the dog and cat. This condition has been definitively diagnosed in the Irish Setter but not many other breeds of dogs. I will not be at all surprised when we find that it does exist in numerous other breeds… and even the lovable mutt…but as this article explains, that may very well be a moot point. Gluten is only the beginning.

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The Answer

This 40-plus page paper is my first major paper, written in 2001 and hurriedly placed on this site on that fateful and tragic day of 9-11. It represents the culmination of nearly two years of research on the subject of food-related disorders and contains an amazing amount of facts that have been hidden from public view concerning this subject. It covers how the “big 4” trouble foods- gluten, dairy, soy and corn- came into being, catapulted into common usage, and became directly involved in most of our serious medical conditions, including epilepsy, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, insomnia, ADHD, pain syndromes, depression, and allergies. Severe immune-mediated diseases such as diabetes, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis are also covered.


Yes, it is quite long, but it appeared on my computer screen and was placed onto the Web just as it came out of my head. And it is wordy in places. But, as I tell my clients, “There is no law that you have to read it all in one sitting. Think of it as a free, short book rather than a long research paper. It’s all how you look at it, right?”


The one thing I can say is that this information WILL change your life…guaranteed!!!

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