I have been doing so much Internet work and public speaking while getting more involved with the media that I can now foresee the day when I will have to leave my practice and do phone consultations, teleseminars, and media work full-time. Currently, I offer consultations for the topics found on my Website, which the reader can readily see cover a lot of ground, and will be expanding into teleseminars in the near future. I am also available for speaking engagements and media appearances.
My special interest, however, is the dietary control of epilepsy and other “excitototoxin”-related disorders (fibromyalgia, migraines, insomnia, ADHD, chronic pain, anxiety). The GARD has been effective in the treatment of all of these conditions, many of which I suffered from personally. Of course, I can only offer medical “advice” in veterinary cases but I can help explain the relationship of diet to a myriad of illnesses afflicting humans. The differences between advice and explanation can form a fine line, I know, but I am very careful not to cross it. I am not an MD and make that very clear from the outset when discussing the information I have gathered over the past concerning human medical conditions (which are not very different in most cases from those we see in animals).
That being said….
If you would like more information about scheduling a consultation with Dogtor J….
…please let us know by Emailing us: The fee schedule is posted below (Phone Consultations Fee Schedule).
There’s nothing quite like having someone explain something as complicated as medicine one-on-one. You’ll be hearing from me shortly.
Dogtor J
PS. Please do not let the term “subscribed” bother you when you see it in the message that follows your form submission. I will not be bombarding you with Emails. I simply had to go to this more remote method of contact to avoid all of the spam I was receiving. Thank you for understanding.
If you know that you would like to schedule a phone consultation with Dogtor J….
…please let us know by sending an Email directly to, including your name, contact information and the nature of your case. You can include any medical history and lab work that you have or you can wait until after we have scheduled the consult to provide this vital information.
We will respond to your Email as soon as possible and set up a time to call that is convenient for you.
Phone Consultation Fee Schedule:
First hour – $145.00 USD. This is the cost for the initial 1 hour consultation on a new case and includes the establishment of your medical records with us and the interpretation of lab work done by previous doctors.
Follow-up calls – $60.00 USD for up to 30 minutes.
Click here for payment options.
When we contact you following your initial request, we will ask you to send us any lab work and pertinent history by Email or FAX prior to the initial consultation so that we can review the case beforehand. This will allow us to use our phone time most efficiently.
For a sample of our success stories, please feel free to visit the Testimonials section of this site.
Payment Options:
At the moment, we are using a PayPal– based payment service. This does allow you to use a variety of credit cards even if you do not currently have a PayPal account. Simply click on the MC/Visa logo and you will be prompted what to do. We will be accepting MasterCard, Visa, and American Express over the phone in the near future.
Please click here to make your payment after you have scheduled your appointment but before your consultation is completed.
Money Back Guarantee:
If you are not completely satisfied with your consultation or teleseminar experience, please let us know so that we may have the opportunity to make you so. If after all attempts have been made to attain your satisfaction and you are still not pleased, we will gladly issue you a full refund.
Please send an Email to with any comments that you may have regarding this service.
Dogtor J