Parkinson’s Disease
This is a condition that became near and dear to me during the early part of my research. Michael J. Fox was in the news and I just had to know why that talented guy had Parkinson’s Disease. Little did I know that the interest I had in him would lead to so many of the principles that I would later use to illustrate how chronic illnesses develop and ravage our bodies.
Once again, I will eventually return to this section and write a piece on Parkinson’s that will really get you going. But for the time being, please read about this rising problem in The Answer. There are many references to Parkinson’s in that paper, but the principle ones are shown in the Table of Contents. This paper shows how a single virus (the sleeping sickness virus of 1918) may have been (partly) responsible for over 6.5 million cases of Parkinson’s disease, illustrating my “theory” on the relationship of viruses and dietary proteins. It is worth reading even if this serious condition has not personally touched your life.
I will also be adding a paper to the Website in the near future titled News Flash- All Disease is the Same! This will be a summation type of work, pulling the entire Website together. In a nutshell, we have residential organisms (viruses, bacteria, pleomorphic bacteria, fungi, protozoans) that we acquire over our lifetime, some even before we are born. Researchers are telling us that nearly 40% of our DNA is viral information, helping to explain “genetic diseases” or ”genetic predisposition to disease”. So, we are born with some agents capable of “causing” serious illness while others are acquired after birth. Our susceptibility to these infectious agents is mostly determined by the health of our immune system at the time of exposure, which should be elementary but most don’t seem to think that way. Otherwise, we wouldn’t constantly do so much harm to ourselves by smoking, drinking, taking drugs, staying up late, not exercising and the other self-destructive behaviors we exhibit.
Once these organisms (viruses and bacteria in particular) are in place, they often settle in for a nice long nap. In the case of the sleeping sickness (or EL, encephalitis lethargica) of 1918, it was reported to take up to a year for the postencephalitic Parkinson’s to develop after having the acute viral infection. This is typical of many chronic latent viral infections, especially of the central nervous system. Why?
To put it in conversational terms, these residential organisms get really mad when we mess with their houses (our cells and tissues). We anger them by pouring carcinogens, food lectins (e.g. gluten, casein, soy and corn), and other insults all over their new homes. Many of these residents have been there for years, even performing important functions while living in our cells, the most notable being adaptation of that cell to environmental changes. Yes, there are living entities inside our cells that are helping the cell adapt to changes (e.g. pollution) outside that cell.
However, when they really crank up this adaptive process, we see symptoms. When we ignore those symptoms and keep doing what we are doing, these symptoms intensify. When this happens, the immune system kicks in and investigates, performing the kind of house-cleaning it was created to do- eliminating diseased cells and the revolting organisms. Severe immune assaults on our tissue are currently termed “autoimmune” disease, a term I have come to dislike because of its implication that the immune system attacks the body “for no good reason”. Frankly, that is an absurd notion. The immune system always does the right thing. We just haven’t grasped all of the reasons it does what it does…yet.
Once the immune system fails (due, in part, to the malabsorption syndrome being induced by the “big 4” foods) and we continue with our insults, these organisms (viruses and pleomorphic bacteria) play their final card, causing the cells to reproduce as quickly as possible (in order to protect themselves and the cells they were designed to govern), resulting in cancer. So easy to see, isn’t it? Cancer is little more than a protective cocoon that the residential organisms have told the cell to produce (through their influence on the nucleus and mitochondria of the cell) in order to protect themselves and the cell they were charged to protect against the carcinogens that we keep throwing at them. Whose fault is that?
In my view, neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s, MS, Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s chorea, and epilepsy are all examples of the middle part of this process. Researchers are busily trying to identify the particular virus/viruses/bacteria/protozoa that are involved in the various neurological diseases and I’m sure they will learn much more over the coming years. But how necessary is it that we have the exact name of the particular “bug” when the treatment is basically the same? Once these viruses are in us, they are roommates for life. Our brains are loaded up with Herpes, measles, mumps, and pleomorphic bacteria like Mycoplasma, Lyme and the like. Over 90% of Americans have Epstein-Barr (a Herpes virus) by age 40 and this guy has been implicated in mononucleosis, chronic fatigue, seizures, and lymphoma. What percentage of Americans have any of these things? Certainly not 90%. Why? Because they are healthy enough to control, they have not insulted their body enough, or they are lacking “helper” organisms that work in concert to produce many illnesses. Thankfully, many conditions are “perfect storms”, as in the case of SIDS.
So, how do we approach the treatment of Parkinson’s, MS and other chronic neurological diseases? Do everything right: Stop the insults (diet, pollution, carcinogens, artificial sweeteners, excessive sugar, etc.) and give the body and immune system what it needs to heal and operate properly, including a biologically appropriate/non-offending diet, appropriate supplements (e.g. D3, omegas, B complex, C, magnesium, selenium), purified water, exercise/oxygen, sunlight, and proper rest. How hard is that? I know…it’s more easily said than done. But who is really trying at this point? Remember: No cheating on the diet with neurological conditions. That may set you back months to years, Michael and Montel.
Dogtor J