Coming Soon to
You regulars may have noticed that I have been away from the site for a while. Let’s just say that life gets in the way some time. Most of you know exactly how that happens. But…that does not mean that the wheels have come to a complete stop. I have continued my search for and re-search into the reasons why we and our pets become ill, and there is still much to share.
If you would like a quick clue as to some of the topics I still plan to cover, you can look under the Appetizers tab at the top of each page and click on Dogtor J’s To-do List. Will I ever get it all done? Probably not, but…at least the list may give you a few new rocks to look under.
I do, however, have a couple of papers that will be available in the near future, the main one being a summation of all that I have discovered in the past 11 years of relearning medicine and finally understanding the true workings of these miraculous vessels we call bodies. As crazy as the title may sound, you will understand it when you read “All Disease is the Same!” If this one doesn’t turn some heads around then nothing will. The material has been a real hit in my exam room lectures so it’s time to put it out there for the general public. I was going to save it for the book, but…
As always, I hope these offerings help you to better understand the body – both four and two-legged – and thereby aid you in your search for answers to the important questions on so many minds: Why am I (and/or my pet) sick and what can I do about it? There are good answers, and…you can recover!
Here’s what’s coming:
“All Disease is the Same!” – “What???”, “That’s absurd!”, “This guy is crazy.”, “What a ridiculous notion.” And…those are probably just some the thoughts being had by many of the health professionals reading this. The untrained public, on the other hand, is more likely to be thinking things like “That sounds interesting”, “Could that be true?”, and “I wonder what he means by that?” At least, that’s been my experience so far. How could this proposal be true and why, in the year 2010, do the medical professions have such a measly grasp of why we become ill? You’ll know the answer to both questions…and more…after reading this. Here’s a clue: The resident viruses and pleomorphic bacteria living in our cells – each and every one of our cells – don’t like it when food lectins (e.g. gluten and casein), pollutants, carcinogens, and other insults bombard their “house”, whether it is a neuron, a liver cell, the medulla oblongata or the the islets of Langerhans. Their reaction causes symptoms, while long-term symptoms and the resulting cellular dysfunction lead to what we call “disease”. Whose fault is that???
Fluoride – Public Chemical #1 – This paper will hopefully make you run right out and buy a fluoride water filter…at least. It is my hope that it will also make the reader ask deeper questions, such as “Why do most dentists support the fluoridation of our public water?” Now that’s a deep rabbit hole. Oh…and it’s the fluoride in grapes and raisins that is responsible for those canine deaths resulting from “grape poisoning“.
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The Latest Success Story
Hi Dogtor!
This confirms my whole theory regarding my dog “Kody” – I wrote you about him about 8 months ago, having 5 seizures in 15 days at only 5 months old. He was eating Nutro since the day I got him at 8 weeks old. I sent you the ingredients for Merrick’s grain-free food called Before Grain, which you emailed the thumbs up back to me, and he HAS NOT HAD A SINGLE SEIZURE SINCE! He is now a 14 month old 80 lb GORGEOUS black border collie/shepherd mix) with a giant tail like a Pomeranian.
I have since switched all my cats off of Nutro also, thinking it might help my pure white Norwegian Forest Cat who was scratching her little face and ears completely bloody raw, and always had black dried blood around her nostrils. My cats did not like the grain free food, so I bought Dick van Patten’s Natural Balance and low and behold, my cat is now absolutely gorgeous also! No scratching, no bloody nostrils. Amazing.
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