Bacteria in Neurology…
The following is an Email that I sent to my medical friends after studying the role of pleomorphic bacteria in MS, ALS, and other diseases of the nervous system. Of course, as frequently occurs in my writing, one thing led to another and suddenly I was covering tear-staining in Poodles, infertility in dogs, why dogs and cats are born with their eyes closed, adverse drug reactions and lung cancer. It’s amazing how all of these things are related.
Dogtor J
Pleomorphic bacteria in Neurology…and Everything Else!
by Dogtor J
© 2010
Dear Friends,
I am currently studying the role of mycoplasma and other pleomorphic bacteria in diseases of the CNS. I came across this article (which bears the title of this Email):
We know that pleomorphic bacteria (e.g. mycoplasma, Lyme, and others) take up residence in neurons and their glial cells (astrocytes and oligodendricytes). Mycoplasma have been found in the glia of ALS victims. It appears that they become involved in the “diseases” of these cells in the same way they do in non-neurological tissues (joints, lungs, skin) – as in rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma: They get mad when we pour carcinogens and lectins on their house (home cell).
So, what about MS, degenerative myelopathy, and odd little encephalidities like the one I saw last week? I had a 6 year old Jack Russell come in with progressive ataxia and severe horizontal nystagmus. Now, most horizontal nystagmus I’ve seen has been associated with brain tumors, which JRT do get. I put her on doxycycline and she made a full recovery. She never seized and was back to normal in a few weeks. Viral infections usually take days to resolve where pleomorphic bacterial infections take weeks.
Interestingly, all the same breeds of dogs that develop epilepsy also are prone to brain tumors – but not the same individuals. I have written about this observation before. I have never had a dog with epilepsy develop a brain tumor and I’ve never had a dog with a brain tumor have a long-term history of epilepsy. This is true even though the same breeds are affected with each situation. Why? One of my answers is “The seizures work!” Seizures are not a useless symptom but a therapeutic measure just like most of our symptoms, including fever, vomiting, diarrhea and others.
What are the seizures battling? Are they zapping viruses and/or pleomorphs as they exit the cells under the influence of epileptogenic triggers like lectins, toxins, vaccine adjuvants and concurrent infections that weaken the sialic acid coating of neurons? Makes sense to me, especially knowing that there are over 25 chronic, latent viruses – many of which are ubiquitous – known to cause seizures in people.
But…what about the role of pleomorphs? They are the virus’s partner in the adaptive process. They interact with the mitochondria to induce metaplasia while the viruses interact with the nucleus to induce cell replication when needed. For example, these cell wall deficient bacteria interact with the mitochondria to tell the ciliated columnar epithelial cells of the bronchi when to undergo squamous metaplasia in order to protect themselves from the toxins in cigarette smoke. But, it is the virus in the nucleus that decides when it’s time to create the cocoon we call a “tumor”. These guys will survive… or die trying to protect the cell they were put in charge of protecting.
So, it is the pleomorphic bacteria that is involved in precancerous changes (including the smoking example above and “autoimmune diseases” like scleroderma and sarcoidosis, both of which are resolving with doxy or minocycline) while it is the virus who decides to step things up a notch (e.g. cancer). What about in CNS diseases??? Does the same hold true? Could it be that mycoplasma are more involved in epilepsy that we’ve believed in the past? Could it be that those members of the dog breeds that develop epilepsy but never tumors are missing the virus in the their DNA? We know that 40% of the human DNA is viral information. It’s bound to be the same – or worse – in the dog, thanks greatly to in-breeding that’s been done to create and refine dog breeds.
We are just now starting the grasp the true role of pleomorphs. We are way behind in veterinary medicine, with our awareness being limited to infertility. Even now, most vets still don’t know about people in the field putting previously “infertile” dogs on doxycycline before finally breeding them successfully. Why does this work? The urogenital tract is loaded with these guys (e.g. mycoplasma and Chlamydia).
We should have known, tho. That’s why dogs and cats are born with their eyes closed, right? But sadly, even that protection is not good enough in some cases (probably due to the collagen’s failure to seal the eye), allowing these guys into the nasolacrimal system and adnexa of the eyes. That’s why tetracycline stops tearing in Poodles, as does Angel eyes – the active ingredient of which is tylosin, a macrolide antibiotic. This is another class of drugs that kills pleomorphs. What about metronidazole ‘s “mysterious anti-inflammatory effect”. Yep…kills pleomorphs. It is still one of the drugs of choice for vaginal Chlamydial infections in women. I have now knocked out some chronic, resistant prostatitis in dogs with a combo of doxy and metro. This now makes sense. Pannus in the dog is bound to have Chlamydia involved, just as it is in the human counterpart, trachoma – the leading cause of blindness in third world countries. But because it is almost exclusively seen in the German Shepherd, there is bound to be a genetic virus component. Again, these guys work together. But here’s the cool thing: I have now successfully managed severe pannus in the German Shepherd using The GARD. Turns out, Chlamydia really hates corn lectins and German Shepherds are seriously corn intolerant!
Yes, we have underestimated the role of pleomorphs in disease. Thankfully, they go back to sleep if we do enough right – removing triggers and strengthening the immune system. But, for those who are immune incompetent and/or will not do what is needed to reverse the process we call “disease”, we must be prepared to intervene with effective drug therapy.
Doxycycline, minocycline, metronidazole, azithromycin and Clindamycin are all good against these guys. So, are the quinolones but…they are a two-edged sword! Pleomorphs and viruses clearly hate fluoride. Fluoride kills bacteria but really makes viruses mad. That’s why it is classed as a carcinogen, particularly in the case of bone and thyroid cancer. And who decides when it’s time to create a tumor? The virus does, right? So, if you give a quinolone to a young individual with a bacterial infection, things usually goes smoothly and yields the desired result. But, give it to the wrong one and all heck breaks loose (immune crisis of some kind). Why? Had that individual already crossed that line, with their viruses being on the verge of getting involved, as in the above illustration of lung cancer? Is that why the rap sheet for Cipro reads like a who’s who of drug reactions? Remember those horrible reactions to Bactrim in German Shepherds (polymyositis and polyarthritis)? Pleomorphs love collagen-based tissue, which is basically everything.
Yes, “what doesn’t kill ya’ makes ya’ stronger”. This goes double for bacteria and viruses. If you’re going to use fluoride (quinolones) to kill a bacteria, you better be sure their buddies, the viruses, aren’t around. Thank Goodness for the drugs that aren’t fluoride-based. They are from the days of yesteryear but much safer. What goes around comes around.
Hope this makes sense and helps somehow,
John B. Symes, D.V.M. (aka Dogtor J )
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